
Top Ten Tuesday #2: Top Ten [Finished] Series I Have Yet to Finish!


This week's Top Ten Tuesday (brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish) asks:

What (Top 10) finished series have I yet to finish?!

When looking though my "favourites" list on goodreads.com, I was struck by the fact that there weren't as many unfinished series as I thought there would be! This, sadly, is due to the fact that I've made the classic mistake of getting excited about the first book, and either been let down by continuing the series, or the series might go on until the author's grandchildren stop writing them. There are also some that I know I SHOULD finish, but due to lackluster reviews/ feedback, I don't feel the need to rush out and read an average book that's not going to end to my satisfaction. (Also, I went through a trilogy phase because they're pretty safe, because YOU KNOW THEY END.) Onwards and upwards...

1. The Grisha Series (Shadow and Bone, etc.). I would like to say the Grisha Trilogy, but there's a whole bunch of #0.5, #2.3, etc. and that's my new pet peeve! In MY day, a trilogy was a trilogy, and an author stood by it. If you wanted to read more, there may be a spin-off, but none of these weirdo short-stories/ novella thingys. Also, this is one example where the ending of the TRILOGY was disappointing to many-a-fan. But it's a YA trilogy, and won't take years to finish, so I've added a "series-to-finish" shelf on goodreads.com and Grisha! You've made the cut!! 

2. Phèdre's Trilogy (Kushiel's Dart etc.) + Imriel's Trilogy (apparently). I actually loved Kushiel's Dart, and would happily continue, it just got lost in the lists!! The SPIN-OFF trilogy has gotten above-average reviews so I may give that a go as well. The downside is that I'm pretty sure I'll have to re-read #1 because I have a horrible memory for details. The upside is that there are some pretty good sex scenes. (Funny how I can remember THOSE, um, parts...)

3. The Sevenwaters Series (Daughter of the Forest, etc.). I've read the first two, and really enjoyed them. Again, this series got lost by the wayside. AND there's a #5.5 instead of a full seven books (one for each sibling, I think?) but I've been told it's necessary, and that it's good that it wasn't a full book, so... Sevenwaters, I'll bend my indignation for you!

4. Liveship Traders Trilogy (spin-off [?] of Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb). I liked the Farseer Trilogy, but am not obsessed with it. The Liveship Traders books have some really good reviews, so I will continue on!!

5. The Baby-Sitter's Club (#1-132!!). Kristy's Great Idea came out in 1986. I was the perfect age for these books. They didn't have intricate plots, I loved the characters, and I remember going on a family vacation once, sitting in an empty bathtub and reading the most recent release in a few hours (which annoyed my parents because it was supposed to last me the week!). I was under no illusion that I was reading quality literature. One reviewer ranted that Ann M. Martin probably had a few ghost-writers working with her at the rate she churned out these average books. Fair point! But they were more substantial than the air-head Sweet Valley Twins/ Sweet Valley High crap that was out there! Will I read them all? No, no, no. They had their time and place, and I'm not a masochist.

6. Nancy Drew (#1-64!) & The Nancy Drew Files (#1-124). So the first Nancy Drew (The Secret of the Old Clock) was written in 1930. How cool is that? I loved these books back in the day, and heck ya, I will read the whole series eventually!! I also read a few of The Nancy Drew Files back in "the day," which I think was a revival attempt in 1986. Which, when you do the math, is a little confusing. Especially as the '80's ones were crap. Well, here's what goodreads taught me:

                Carolyn Keene is a writer pen name that was used by many different people- both men and women- over the years. The company that was the creator of the Nancy Drew series, the Stratemeyer Syndicate, hired a variety of writers. For Nancy Drew, the writers used the pseudonym Carolyn Keene to assure anonymity of the creator...[In 1959] the Nancy Drew books were condensed, racial stereotypes were removed, and the language was updated. In a few cases, outdated plots were completely rewritten.

You definitely have to read Nancy Drew as a contemporary piece from the '30's, '40's, and '50's. (I am glad they revamped them with political correctness, or I probably would have had a lot of uncomfortable "new" words to ask my parents about...)

7.  The Dune Chronicles. (#1-8). So, I loved Dune. Loved it. From what I can gather, Frank Herbert wrote the first 7, and his son wrote the 8th. I would love to read on in the series, but I feel like it might break my heart (taking things too far, not ending when it should, etc.). As always, I will continue on until I get too angry...

8. The Dark is Rising Sequence (The Dark is Rising #1-5). So we studied The Dark is Rising (#2) in grade 8 and I loved it. I just realized there are FIVE books, so I'm curious. I think it was a made-for-TV-movie and was AWFUL. Highly disappointing.

9.Time Quintet (A Wrinkle in Time #1-5). Apparently there's a reason I didn't know there were FIVE! There is not much to say about the fifth and final installment. I read A Wrinkle in Time a few times when I was younger, and loved it! It did NOT make a good movie. I think I'd like to read it again and go from there...

10. The Dark Tower Series (The Gunslinger #1-7) & Hyperion Cantos (Hyperion #1-4): I've not technically started either series, but have heard good things, and I know they are DONE so I'm okay to start and finish. (I know you're so relieved.)



  1. Oh goodness, you are right about the Wrinkle in Time movie lol. They just need to leave well enough alone already haha! My TTT

  2. I'm also very good at starting series, but not finishing them. I used to read tons of Nancy Drew, so I think I may have actually read all the books in that series! Maybe not, though. Really, I have no idea. I should pick them up now that I'm an adult and see if I like them as much as I did when I was a kid.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Well Susan, I can tell you, as I just started "The Secret of the Old Clock" (Nancy Drew #1) and it's like reading The Andy Griffith Show, or The Brady Bunch - very idyllic and the baddies are definitely going to get what's coming to them!

  3. The Babysitter's Club and Nancy Drew bring back such fond & wonderful memories! The Time Quintet - loved the first one (of course), enjoyed the second one, the last three... meh. lol. But I read them! :) My TTT

    1. A Wrinkle in Time was my favourite book as a kid, and I'm reluctant to finish the series because I don't want to ruin it! Maybe my TTT should have been Finished Series I'm RELUCTANT to Finish!! ;)

  4. Hi! I wonder if I've read ALL the Nancy Drew books. I loved them as a kid.
    My TTT: http://lesliehauser.com/2015/09/08/top-ten-tuesday-serious-about-series/

    1. I think they're a nice switch-up from the current YA! More innocent? But I'm pretty sure I just solved the 1st mystery in 13 pages... :/
