The weekly meme "Top Ten Tuesday" is brought to you by the awesome blog The Broke and the Bookish. Check out their blog and add your Top Ten to the group!!
This week: "The Top Ten Books When You're In the Mood for _________." So I guess my title should be "Top 10 Books When You're in the Mood for a Good Gob-Smacking*."
gob·smacked [ˈɡäbˌsmakt/] adjective British informal
adjective: gobsmacked; adjective: gob-smacked: utterly astonished; astounded.
adjective: gobsmacked; adjective: gob-smacked: utterly astonished; astounded.
* Origin: 1980s: from gob1
+ smack1,
with reference to being shocked by a blow to the mouth, or to clapping a hand
to one's mouth in astonishment.
I am a
SUCKER for a well-done plot-twist, an amazing secret revealed, etc. Therefore, my
list this week is my top picks of books (or series) where I literally gasped out loud, or possibly threw the book across the room
… This is not to say there will be spoilers, or that there’s a TWIST in every
book, but that I just appreciated that the author/s took the story in an
unexpected direction.
The best example I can give is The Princess Bride (both movie and book!) William Goldman takes all the tropes of a fairy tale adventure and turns it on
it’s head. Many a smack-the-gob* moments.